
目前顯示的是 11月, 2024的文章

TPC Investment & Its Markets

Prepared by Peter Li-Chang Kuo ( Chinese ) I. Overview A " chip " is a physical entity of a semiconductor between metal and glass. It is the " brain " of all electronic devices and is responsible for processing and storing information. It is widely used in daily life - from personal identification to space shuttles, such as mobile Communication devices, cashless payments, computers, televisions, transportation, electronic stores, space satellites, etc. Chip was originally a " contact " silicon-based product. In order to solve social problems, we invented the " contactless " TranSmart chip, which uses gallium arsenide as raw material to achieve the function of radio frequency transmission and open up another path of the semiconductor industry. While we were developing TranSmart chip, we also used laminated material technology to produce power chip to commercialize cashless transaction system. In the future, the development of advanced ...

On the Use and Abuse of Technology

Prepared by Peter Lichang Kuo ( Chinese ) I. Preface In " On the Use and Abuse of History " (from Untimely Meditations), Nietzsche (1844-1900) says with deep gravity: " People want the flowers, but not the roots and stems, and so their hopes are disappointed ." He considers this a simple truth—straightforward and unpleasant, yet a powerful truth. It is like how technological progress has led people to only desire the " fruit " while disregarding the branches and leaves, an irony that is helpless. Fig 1: Friedrich W. Nietzsche (1844~1900) Every " living organism's life " is not only connected to light, but also to darkness. A person who tries to perceive everything solely through " technology " is like someone who " forces themselves not to sleep " or an animal that must " keep ruminating " in order to survive. Therefore, no matter whether it is an individual, a nation, or a cultural system, when the ...